The graphics are a significant upgrade from the Prince of Persia that was on the Apple computer, but they are not amazing. Players will experience the game on a two dimensional environment (ala Castlevania). You will encounter a myriad of trapped doors, hazardous spikes, and deadly blades. Jumping from platform to platform makes up a great deal of the gameplay (too much for my taste)

You Can Puke, But You Cant Quit

You've heard me say this before, but it could stand repeating. It's that important.

I just paid someone to kick my ass.

Today was my first day with Justen, my personal trainer. He's a nice guy - tall, good looking, quiet spoken - and he gave me an ass whoopin'. And, leave it to me to find a trainer who has published a novel.

I did squats, crunches, push ups, worked with weights and weight machines. He even gave me homework and wants me to do 45 min. of cardio every day. He's a man on a mission to see me reach my goals. At the end he put me on a table and stretched me out. When he stretched my back, I forgave him for everything he'd pushed me to do during the hour before. It was that good.

When you watch the Biggest Loser on TV and you see those poor folks vomiting from the work out, guess what, that's not staged. Trust me. I didn't vomit during the workout today, but after, when Justen was giving me my homework assignment, I had several green moments. The last time I was this exhausted was after the Mud Run. Justen says it will get better. I'm going with my gut and trusting him on this.

I'm about to jump in the shower. Okay, maybe not jump, more like ease into it. I think I have enough strength now to undress and turn on the faucet. After all, I have a day job to get to.

So what about my morning writing? Glad you asked! I got up at 5 am today and banged out nearly 5 pages on Murder In Vein before going to the gym. Just 20 days until the manuscript has to be turned in.

Oh yeah, and just 432 days until the 2011 LA Marathon!

I definitely have my work cut out for me.

And that puking not quitting thing? It also applies to book deadlines.